Lack of dopamine can lead to depression, anxiety, difficulty completing tasks, and a lot of struggle. So, how do we help your ADHD child get more dopamine?
learning disability
ADHD students need to move to learn best. Not all movement has the same impact. Some movement is more helpful than others. But what does that mean in practice?
Swimming is a great, healthy hobby. But I think you should put your kid in swim lessons because of what it does for your child outside the water.
Metacognition is an important part of Executive Function. And it is a skill that can be strengthened and worked on just like any other.
Selective mutism is when someone doesn’t speak in certain situations. It is actually situational mutism because they don’t feel safe there.
Are they attaining skills later than their peers? That is okay! Earlier does NOT mean better. Doing things “later” doesn’t mean never.
Autistic children often struggle with recognizing facial expressions and body language. I have some tips on how to play some games to work on these skills.
Auditory Processing Disorder is when a person’s brain has trouble making sense of words and sounds. Here are my tips for how to adapt your homeschooling to help a child with APD.
As a parent to more than one non-typical child, I have to work harder to help my children experience success. And give them tools to overcome their failures.
When my daughter was in fourth grade, I realized that she has dyscalculia. To help her overcome her struggle, I had to learn a new way to teach math, one day at a time.