Autistic children often struggle with recognizing facial expressions and body language. I have some tips on how to play some games to work on these skills.
learning disability
Auditory Processing Disorder: How to Homeschool when they literally can’t hear what you’re saying
Auditory Processing Disorder is when a person’s brain has trouble making sense of words and sounds. Here are my tips for how to adapt your homeschooling to help a child with APD.
Failure and the Non-typical child
As a parent to more than one non-typical child, I have to work harder to help my children experience success. And give them tools to overcome their failures.
Overcoming Dyscalculia, One Day At a Time
When my daughter was in fourth grade, I realized that she has dyscalculia. To help her overcome her struggle, I had to learn a new way to teach math, one day at a time.
8 Tips for Homeschooling When Your Child Has Autism
Autism is complicated and different people experience it very differently. But there are a few things that seem to help when homeschooling someone with Autism.
3 Ways Homeschooled Children Learn to Read and How to Help Them!
Homeschoolers have the luxury of learning to read at their own pace, in their own time, and in their own way. But most children follow one of 3 patterns.
Homeschooling Sensory Processing Disorder
Homeschooling your child with SPD takes some special planning. I have some tips on how to work sensory input into your day.
Eight Tips for Homeschooling Your ADHD Child
Homeschooling a child with ADHD can be rewarding and exhausting. Here is our list of tips to make your homeschool journey easier on you and your child.
Does your child have signs of a learning disability?
Are you worried about your child’s progress this year? How do you know if she is demonstrating symptoms of a learning disability? Is it time to worry?