Bring learning to life.

Our lessons show you how to engage your child's senses so they do more than learn, they experience.

Make Learning Fun!

Using beautiful picture books with engaging stories, you'll teach your child about history, science, math, geography, and so much more.

Learning by doing!

Hands-on activities, games that inspire imaginative play, building, cooking, doing! That's what learning with all your senses is all about.

Engaging and Fun

You'll use videos and other online tools to take what you are learning deeper. A wide range of topics to explore and adventures to be had are right at your fingertips.

Our Programs

Farms Unit Study

Learn about animals, gardens, and farms with beautiful picture books and short, engaging hands-on activities. This delightful four-week unit study is designed for children 3-6 years old with a focus on gross motor development.

Wonderful World

Explore the seasons, animals and people of the world through beautiful picture books. Dive deeper with hands-on activities and discussion topics. Designed for children ages 4-8 with a focus on building reading and writing readiness.

Foundations & Fundamentals

Introduce handwriting, phonics, and math with this unique program. Hands-on activities, games, and beautiful picture books reinforce lessons in phonics, handwriting, math, shapes, and colors. Designed for children ages 4-8.

American History: Indigenous People of North America and Hawaiʻi

Start your American History journey from the beginning! With myths, legends, and histories of the Indigenous people of North America and Hawai‘i. Using picture books and hands-on activities, American history will come alive for your child, ages 6-10.

American History: Colonization and the Creation of a Country

Starting with European explorers to North America and extending to about 1830, you and your child will be reading books and doing go-along activities to create a well-rounded education. American history will come alive for your child, ages 6-10.

Children of the Longhouse
Unit Study

This historical fiction chapter-book unit study is perfect for children ages 8-12. Learn about the Mohawk Indians with the book by Joseph Bruchac. Explore the story further with engaging go-along activities and discussion topics.

King Arthur and the Middle Ages
Unit Study

King Arthur and the Middle Ages teaches your child the classic legend as well as historical information about England in the Middle Ages.  Learn about knights, castles, and kings. Explore topics in science, language, math, and more.

Why Learning with Five Senses Literature Lessons is the Best Way to Homeschool

Based on How Children Learn

Our programs work with your child and their natural curiosity about the world. Your child will learn with all five of their senses with playful games, activities, and hands-on experiences designed to create a deep understanding of the material.

Levels, NOT Grades

Every child deserves to be met where they are. Our programs are not based on age or grade level. They are based, instead, on skill level. We offer programs designed to work for a range of ages so that every child can find the right fit.

Fully Integrated to Teach … well, Everything!

Every program covers social studies, history, science, art, health, language arts, and math. You don’t need a whole stack of lesson plans. We’ve got you covered so you don’t have to spend your whole day jumping from subject to subject.

Hands-on and Adaptable

Instead of focusing on reading and writing, we’ve built a program that includes hands-on activities, watching videos and engaging in discussions. We’ve included guides on how to adapt activities to your child’s own unique learning style and pace.

Easy To Use

Our programs are designed to fit naturally into your day.  Each all-inclusive program requires little to no transition between subjects. And the supply list for each lesson is clear, upfront and includes simple things you have around the house.

Starting The Big Conversations Early

We give you the prompts to have age-appropriate conversations with your child about tough subjects like inclusivity, social justice, discrimination, and kindness. Talking about these things with your child now lays the foundation for the strong, compassionate person they will become.

About Laura

As an occupational therapist, I saw a need for a curriculum that would give parents the tools to help their children grow physically, emotionally, and mentally to be healthy people. As a homeschooling parent, I spent years piecing together lessons for my own children that were developmentally appropriate and support their unique learning styles.

With Five Senses Literature Lessons, I have put the two realms of my experience together and created something new. Based on my knowledge of how children learn best, and my extensive study of homeschooling philosophies, I’ve put together a program that I can truly stand behind. It focuses on whole-child learning and emphasizes respect for children and their natural development. Five Senses Literature Lessons seeks to help children develop on a natural path with encouragement to gain skills that their brains and bodies are prepared to participate in.

I know from experience, that this program can work for any child that is willing to sit and listen to a story.

Our Blog

My Job

For many years now, I’ve been mostly a stay-at-home mom, who also homeschools her kids. That sounds so easy compared to what I do.  Here’s my job description. 

The Benefits of Boredom

One thing that happens to new homeschoolers and rarely to experienced ones, is boredom. Your kids complain they are bored, and look to you to fix this “problem.” Don’t […]

Assume Competence! 

I saw this phrase recently referring to non-verbal, minimally verbal, and disabled children, and I loved it. Assume competence. What does that mean?

Homeschooling with Joy

As we all start our homeschooling year, I think it is important to remind everyone that you should keep joy front and center in your homeschool.