There are some physical skills that can help both brain and body devleopment. Let our OT help you teach your child skipping and more!
Homeschooling Kindergarten: Three Ways
Finding the right balance between homeschooling and a career is a difficult task. And every family does it a bit differently.
Rotating Your Books, Seasonally
I love books. I have used homeschooling as an excuse to buy tons of books. But if your children are small, too many books can actually be overwhelming for them.
Just Say No to Online Kindergarten and Preschool
Online programs can’t provide what younger kids really need for their brains and bodies to gain the skills they need to develop at that age.
How to Write a Summer Unit Study in Seven Easy Steps
Creating your own Summer Unit Study is easy, once you know the recipe. In just seven easy steps, you can create a special unit study around any topic for any age.
Selective and Situational Mutism
Selective mutism is when someone doesn’t speak in certain situations. It is actually situational mutism because they don’t feel safe there.
5 Fun Ways To Improve Handwriting Without Writing Letters
Learning to write is hard. Writing is a complex task. It requires muscle strength in the arm, wrist, and hand; visual perceptual skills; fine motor control; and hand-eye coordination. In order for a child to learn to write it is important to address all those skills....
Give them Scissors!
Scissors teach wonderful skills, build the brain and body connection, and prepare kids for real-life problems.
Doll Play: For Boys and Girls!
I am a huge fan of dolls as part of imaginative play. I have some tips and things to look for when picking a doll for a child in your life.
3 Ways Homeschooled Children Learn to Read and How to Help Them!
Homeschoolers have the luxury of learning to read at their own pace, in their own time, and in their own way. But most children follow one of 3 patterns.
My Favorite Toys: Rock Crayons for Building a Good Pencil Grip
Rock Crayons are a great way of helping your young child build the muscle strength needed for a proper pencil grip. And they are fun!
My Favorite Toys for Imaginative Play
While using their imaginations, children learn how to interact with the world and other people. Here are some of my favorite toys for imaginative play.
What Kindergarten Should Be
Developmentally appropriate kindergarten has all but disappeared and our children are paying the price.
Making letters fun!
There are lots of great ways to teach and practice writing without actually writing. Here are a few ideas that teach letters with a multi-sensory approach.
What is developmentally appropriate education for ages 3-7?
Developmentally appropriate education is when the instruction aligns with what children are ready to learn. It meets them where they are and helps them grow.
Why OT’s Tell You to Learn Capital Letters First
Lots of programs teach upper and lowercase letters at the same time. However, learning capital letters first is a better strategy.
Drawing vs. Writing Letters – What’s the difference?
Learning to write letters, and not draw them, takes time and effort. It is critical to building good handwriting and being able to write quickly and well.
The 10 Signs of Reading Readiness
Sings of reading readiness can be divided into two categories: physical and language. Physical indicators of reading readiness are often the most overlooked.