Are you homeschooling a child with learning challenges? Are they attaining skills later than their peers? That is okay! Earlier does NOT mean better.
Laura Sowdon
Screen Time: How much when?
I know there are tons of debates about screen time. Is it safe? How much is too much? I am going to share what I have done as a parent, and why.
Neurodiverse Parenting Beyond Age 18
There are a lot of reasons why your child may not be ready to go off to college or join the workforce right out of high school. And that’s okay.
Middle School: What Really Matters
Middle school can be a challenging time. There are so many changes in a few short years for most kids. There are some things you can do to make things easier.
Auditory Processing Disorder: How to Homeschool when they literally can’t hear what you’re saying
Auditory Processing Disorder is when a person’s brain has trouble making sense of words and sounds. Here are my tips for how to adapt your homeschooling to help a child with APD.
Homemade Multi-sensory Letters
Do you have a child who is struggling to learn the difference between “b” and “d”? Today, I have a cheap and easy way to make your homeschool more multi-sensory!
Time-Out is for Toys
Time-outs never seemed to deliver the promised good behavior and self control. I found a new way to use time-outs that works.
Executive Function Tip: Rewards
Rewarding children for good behavior is a long-standing tradition. But how to implement it in a way that works in your home school?
5 Fun Ways To Improve Handwriting Without Writing Letters
Learning to write is hard. Writing is a complex task. It requires muscle strength in the arm, wrist, and hand; visual perceptual skills; fine motor control; and hand-eye coordination. In order for a child to learn to write it is important to address all those skills....
Give them Scissors!
Scissors teach wonderful skills, build the brain and body connection, and prepare kids for real-life problems.
Valentine’s Day OT Fun
Valentine’s Day is a great chance to change up our routine and get some great fine motor activities into our day. Here are some of my favorite activities.
Why I won’t push my ADHD college kid to also get a job.
While I know it is common for college students to have jobs, I won’t be asking that of any of my kids. I think college is enough of a job for most kids.
Learning to Write, Beyond Copy Work
How do you work on teaching writing beyond copy work? These ideas can get your student writing more, in a gentle way.
Mom Help: Keeping them Busy!
Sometimes as a mom, you need to do things like cook or clean. What can you do with your little one? Leet me give you some ideas.
Skipping the 4-Year Degree: Post Graduation Choices
What do homeschooled kids do instead of a traditional 4 year degree? While many do attend college, there are some great alternatives!
What do sick days look like when you homeschool?
Most of us remember exactly how we spent our sick days as children. It sets a pattern for how we care for ourselves as adults. Here’s how we handle sick days.
Finding Balance with Neurodiverse Children
For some, finding balance comes naturally. But for the person who is neurodiverse, this whole idea makes no sense. Here’s why.
Failure and the Non-typical child
As a parent to more than one non-typical child, I have to work harder to help my children experience success. And give them tools to overcome their failures.