Are you homeschooling a child who would just rather not? Do you worry because they seem behind? I’ve homeschooled that child, let me give you some advice.
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Homeschooling with Joy
As we all start our homeschooling year, I think it is important to remind everyone that you should keep joy front and center in your homeschool.
Neurodivergent Brain Development
Did you know that the neurodiverse brain has a different developmental pattern than a neurotypical brain? And that impacts how and when they are ready to learn.
Later is Just Fine
Are they attaining skills later than their peers? That is okay! Earlier does NOT mean better. Doing things “later” doesn’t mean never.
Let Your Child Set The Pace of Their Education
Are you homeschooling a child with learning challenges? Are they attaining skills later than their peers? That is okay! Earlier does NOT mean better.
Middle School: What Really Matters
Middle school can be a challenging time. There are so many changes in a few short years for most kids. There are some things you can do to make things easier.