Do you have a child with ADHD? If so, there is a very strong chance that one of their parents has it too. And at least one of their grandparents also has ADHD.
Sometimes, life throws us a curve ball and we can’t do what we know we should. Sometimes, all we can do is keep trying. And that is okay.
Burnt out on field trip ideas? There may be some amazing things to see and do if you look more local and smaller in scale.
ARFID is an eating disorder that is prevalent in those with ADHD and autism. It can occur in children as young as 2 and can be very serious.
Finding the right balance between homeschooling and a career is a difficult task. And every family does it a bit differently.
True motivation comes from inside a person. It involves feeling in charge of yourself and your decisions. For a teen with neurodiversity, this can be hard.
If you see homeschoolers on social media, you may be under the impression it is all beautiful days of well-behaved children and happy lessons. Those are lies.
Educating your child is a full-time job and there is nothing wrong with living in this century to do it! You don’t have to homestead to homeschool.
There are a lot of reasons why your child may not be ready to go off to college or join the workforce right out of high school. And that’s okay.
As a parent to more than one non-typical child, I have to work harder to help my children experience success. And give them tools to overcome their failures.