Problems with executive function can occur in people with ADHD, autism, and other learning challenges and be very frustrating for parents to understand.
learning disability
Why your ADHD child needs praise!
Did you know that neurotypical people get a boost of happy brain chemicals from a job well done? But that doesn’t work for us ADHD folks. Here’s why.
Learning To Write with ADHD
Writing well is a challenge for students with ADHD. There are a few strategies you can use to help build your child’s confidence and skill.
ADHD + Coffee = Magic
Using coffee instead of medication helps some people with ADHD focus and get more done! Why does this work and should you try it? Learn more!
How to be the Worst Autism Parent
Generally, I love working with autistic children as part of my OT practice. But today, I’m going to tell you about the worst experience I ever had as an OT.
Can a Diet Cure Autism or ADHD?
There is no diet that will cure ADHD or autism. However, I do think there is a reason these diets get so much attention, and some of them make some good points.
Teaching Your Child How To Ride A Bike
Do you have a child who is struggling with learning to ride a bicycle? Do they want to do it but just don’t seem to have the skills to do it? I’ve got you.
Teaching My Dyslexic Kid to Read
Teaching a dyslexic child to read can be one of the most challenging and rewarding parts of homeschooling.
Do you know a child who was obsessed with letters as a toddler and learned to read well before age 5?
Should your Child take ADHD Medication?
There are lots of things to think about when you are considering mediation to address ADHD for your child. There is no one-size-fits-all answer.
Assume Competence!
I saw this phrase recently referring to non-verbal, minimally verbal, and disabled children, and I loved it. Assume competence. What does that mean?
Mom has ADHD! Oh My!
When my daughter was diagnosed with ADHD it forced me to take a look at my own life. I can see what struggles and gifts my neurodiversity has given me.
Multi-Generational ADHD
Do you have a child with ADHD? If so, there is a very strong chance that one of their parents has it too. And at least one of their grandparents also has ADHD.
Neurodivergent Brain Development
Did you know that the neurodiverse brain has a different developmental pattern than a neurotypical brain? And that impacts how and when they are ready to learn.
Sometimes You Can’t Move Forward, That’s Okay
Sometimes, life throws us a curve ball and we can’t do what we know we should. Sometimes, all we can do is keep trying. And that is okay.
ADHD, The Dopamine Seeker
Lack of dopamine can lead to depression, anxiety, difficulty completing tasks, and a lot of struggle. So, how do we help your ADHD child get more dopamine?
ADHD Kids Need to Move to Learn
ADHD students need to move to learn best. Not all movement has the same impact. Some movement is more helpful than others. But what does that mean in practice?
Why Swimming Lessons Should be Part of Your Summer!
Swimming is a great, healthy hobby. But I think you should put your kid in swim lessons because of what it does for your child outside the water.