Did you know that neurotypical people get a boost of happy brain chemicals from a job well done? But that doesn’t work for us ADHD folks. Here’s why.
Making your own Schedule and Goals
One of the hardest parts of being a homeschool parent is that you have to set your own schedule. If you don’t make the plans, they don’t happen.
Organizing Your Kids: Charts that Work
Every year, I start off the year with the goal to be more organized. Now that my kids are older, I want to find methods that also work for them. Learning how to organize themselves and keep up with their work will help them be successful in real life far more than...
Childhood Passions are Overrated
I don’t want my child to find a single driving passion in their young lives. I want them to find a passion for life.
Do you know a child who was obsessed with letters as a toddler and learned to read well before age 5?
Should your Child take ADHD Medication?
There are lots of things to think about when you are considering mediation to address ADHD for your child. There is no one-size-fits-all answer.
How to Spot and Befriend a Homeschool Mom
It’s homeschool park day, and we all know what that means! We’ll be dragging our children to the playground in hopes of adult conversation.
Homeschooling with Joy: Part 2
Last week I talked about homeschooling with joy. This week, we are going to talk math, reading, and writing. How do we make those fun?
Homeschooling with Joy
As we all start our homeschooling year, I think it is important to remind everyone that you should keep joy front and center in your homeschool.
Neurodivergent Brain Development
Did you know that the neurodiverse brain has a different developmental pattern than a neurotypical brain? And that impacts how and when they are ready to learn.
Why we should be teaching dance!
Without a doubt, children benefit from exposure to the “arts.” In schools, this is often limited to music or painting. But dancing is great for kids, too.
ADHD Kids Need to Move to Learn
ADHD students need to move to learn best. Not all movement has the same impact. Some movement is more helpful than others. But what does that mean in practice?
Homeschooling Kindergarten: Three Ways
Finding the right balance between homeschooling and a career is a difficult task. And every family does it a bit differently.
Rotating Your Books, Seasonally
I love books. I have used homeschooling as an excuse to buy tons of books. But if your children are small, too many books can actually be overwhelming for them.
Just Say No to Online Kindergarten and Preschool
Online programs can’t provide what younger kids really need for their brains and bodies to gain the skills they need to develop at that age.
How to Write a Summer Unit Study in Seven Easy Steps
Creating your own Summer Unit Study is easy, once you know the recipe. In just seven easy steps, you can create a special unit study around any topic for any age.
Homeschooling is Hard
If you see homeschoolers on social media, you may be under the impression it is all beautiful days of well-behaved children and happy lessons. Those are lies.
Summer Homeschooling
Summer is a great time to change gears in your homeschool and try something new. Here are some examples of how I have done that over the years.