If you see homeschoolers on social media, you may be under the impression it is all beautiful days of well-behaved children and happy lessons. Those are lies.
Finding the right pet for your family can be a challenge. Finding the right pet that can also provide your child with emotional support can be harder.
Language Arts is plural because it is a subject that covers many different areas, skills, and abilities. Let’s break it down into manageable parts.
Educating your child is a full-time job and there is nothing wrong with living in this century to do it! You don’t have to homestead to homeschool.
Are they attaining skills later than their peers? That is okay! Earlier does NOT mean better. Doing things “later” doesn’t mean never.
Autistic children often struggle with recognizing facial expressions and body language. I have some tips on how to play some games to work on these skills.
How does a dyslexic child learn to read? Slow and steady! Today’s post details the journey of one girl from beginner to reader.
Are you homeschooling a child with learning challenges? Are they attaining skills later than their peers? That is okay! Earlier does NOT mean better.
Time-outs never seemed to deliver the promised good behavior and self control. I found a new way to use time-outs that works.
As a parent to more than one non-typical child, I have to work harder to help my children experience success. And give them tools to overcome their failures.