If your child has sensory integration disorder, the holidays aren’t so merry and way too bright! The good news is that there are ways to help your child.
Laura Sowdon
Overcoming Dyscalculia, One Day At a Time
When my daughter was in fourth grade, I realized that she has dyscalculia. To help her overcome her struggle, I had to learn a new way to teach math, one day at a time.
Doll Play: For Boys and Girls!
I am a huge fan of dolls as part of imaginative play. I have some tips and things to look for when picking a doll for a child in your life.
Adventures in Homeschooling: Raising Tadpoles!
Class pets are a right of passage and can be a lot of fun. But not all classroom pets are created equal.
Tools Instead of Toys
Toys are great. But sometimes you want to actually DO something instead of pretend to do something. That’s where kid-sized tools come in.
8 Tips for Homeschooling When Your Child Has Autism
Autism is complicated and different people experience it very differently. But there are a few things that seem to help when homeschooling someone with Autism.
Card Games for Everyone – No Reading Required
Card games help kids develop hand-eye coordination and problem-solving. These are some games my family has enjoyed recently.
The Mother of Thanksgiving
Sarah Josepha Hale was a writer, editor, and mother. And she is the person most responsible for making Thanksgiving a national holiday.
My Favorite Toys — Fidget Toys for Focus and Hand Strength
As an OT, I love the new interest in fidget toys. Not all fidget toys work for everyone and some work better than others. Here are some of my favorites.
What’s wrong with screen time? Nothing…but…
Why I think you should limit your kids screen time. And why you don’t need to stress about it.
3 Ways Homeschooled Children Learn to Read and How to Help Them!
Homeschoolers have the luxury of learning to read at their own pace, in their own time, and in their own way. But most children follow one of 3 patterns.
My Favorite Board Games for Problem Solving and Strategy
As an OT, games are great. As a mom, some games just aren’t fun for a range of ages. Here are my winners, games that work for kids (and adults) of all ages.
5 Tips for New Homeschool Parents
How and why every family homeschools are different, but there are some universal tips I want to give you to make your homeschool journey easier.
My Favorite Toys: Rock Crayons for Building a Good Pencil Grip
Rock Crayons are a great way of helping your young child build the muscle strength needed for a proper pencil grip. And they are fun!
Handwork in your Homeschool — No Knitting Required
Handwork is a great addition to a homeschool plan. But it doesn’t always have to include knitting. Here are some easier crafts you can try.
My Favorite Toys for Imaginative Play
While using their imaginations, children learn how to interact with the world and other people. Here are some of my favorite toys for imaginative play.
Homeschooling Sensory Processing Disorder
Homeschooling your child with SPD takes some special planning. I have some tips on how to work sensory input into your day.
Eight Tips for Homeschooling Your ADHD Child
Homeschooling a child with ADHD can be rewarding and exhausting. Here is our list of tips to make your homeschool journey easier on you and your child.