I am once again starting seeds for our spring gardening experiment. I am now referring to it as an experiment, because we really are never sure what is going to happen in our garden.
The Homeschooler at the County Fair
Competing in the country fair became a wonderful addition to our homeschool art program, and helped my kids learn to win and lose. I entered too so I could display the traits I was trying to teach.
Field Trips and More Field Trips!
Burnt out on field trip ideas? There may be some amazing things to see and do if you look more local and smaller in scale.
Homeschoolers at Summer Camp
Summer Camps come in all shapes and sizes. And they can be a great way to shake up your kid’s routine. It can be a great learning experience.
Ten reasons why you should take your kids kayaking this summer!
If you have never kayaked before, I highly recommend it. It is easy, fun, and has some amazing hidden benefits.
Summer Fun – Cooking with Kids
Cooking is one of my favorites activities to do with kids. There are some ways to change it up to make it more interesting as part of your summer fun.
How to Write a Summer Unit Study in Seven Easy Steps
Creating your own Summer Unit Study is easy, once you know the recipe. In just seven easy steps, you can create a special unit study around any topic for any age.
Why Swimming Lessons Should be Part of Your Summer!
Swimming is a great, healthy hobby. But I think you should put your kid in swim lessons because of what it does for your child outside the water.
Summer Homeschooling
Summer is a great time to change gears in your homeschool and try something new. Here are some examples of how I have done that over the years.