Is your child asking to play an RPG (role playing game)? Do you like the idea but aren’t a dungeon master? Trust me, I understand. Role Playing Games can be great to explore story development, character building, and problem solving. But they can can be intimidating to learn. So what games can you play instead?
imaginative play
Skipping and Other Skills Your Child Needs
There are some physical skills that can help both brain and body devleopment. Let our OT help you teach your child skipping and more!
Homeschooling with Joy: Part 2
Last week I talked about homeschooling with joy. This week, we are going to talk math, reading, and writing. How do we make those fun?
Homeschooling Kindergarten: Three Ways
Finding the right balance between homeschooling and a career is a difficult task. And every family does it a bit differently.
Time-Out is for Toys
Time-outs never seemed to deliver the promised good behavior and self control. I found a new way to use time-outs that works.
Mom Help: Keeping them Busy!
Sometimes as a mom, you need to do things like cook or clean. What can you do with your little one? Leet me give you some ideas.
Tools Instead of Toys
Toys are great. But sometimes you want to actually DO something instead of pretend to do something. That’s where kid-sized tools come in.
My Favorite Toys for Imaginative Play
While using their imaginations, children learn how to interact with the world and other people. Here are some of my favorite toys for imaginative play.