My family has been using our Kanban chore chart for a few weeks now. I thought it was time to give you all an update on how that is going.
Organizing Your Kids: Charts that Work
Every year, I start off the year with the goal to be more organized. Now that my kids are older, I want to find methods that also work for them. Learning how to organize themselves and keep up with their work will help them be successful in real life far more than...
My Job
For many years now, I’ve been mostly a stay-at-home mom, who also homeschools her kids. That sounds so easy compared to what I do. Here’s my job description.
Mom Help: Keeping them Busy!
Sometimes as a mom, you need to do things like cook or clean. What can you do with your little one? Leet me give you some ideas.
Kanban your Kids: Chore Charts that Work
I need a new way to tell the kids to do their chores. We thought a Kanban board might help. Here is how we modified this business strategy to work in our home.