Generally, I love working with autistic children as part of my OT practice. But today, I’m going to tell you about the worst experience I ever had as an OT.
I have an autistic child. I also have a family member who is sure that this child’s “social issues” would be cured if we just “socialized him more.”
Most parents complain that their teens are eating them “out of house and home”. But what if your child is a reluctant eater?
Did you know that the neurodiverse brain has a different developmental pattern than a neurotypical brain? And that impacts how and when they are ready to learn.
Swimming is a great, healthy hobby. But I think you should put your kid in swim lessons because of what it does for your child outside the water.
Selective mutism is when someone doesn’t speak in certain situations. It is actually situational mutism because they don’t feel safe there.
Autistic children often struggle with recognizing facial expressions and body language. I have some tips on how to play some games to work on these skills.
Do you have a child who is struggling to learn the difference between “b” and “d”? Today, I have a cheap and easy way to make your homeschool more multi-sensory!
Rewarding children for good behavior is a long-standing tradition. But how to implement it in a way that works in your home school?
While I know it is common for college students to have jobs, I won’t be asking that of any of my kids. I think college is enough of a job for most kids.