Problems with executive function can occur in people with ADHD, autism, and other learning challenges and be very frustrating for parents to understand.
Why the Outdoors is Amazing for Neurodivergent Kids
My husband and I started an Outdoor Service Guides group so our kids could experience scouting. Nine years later, I still think this is one of the best things we’ve ever done.
Why your ADHD child needs praise!
Did you know that neurotypical people get a boost of happy brain chemicals from a job well done? But that doesn’t work for us ADHD folks. Here’s why.
Teaching Horticulture at Home
I am once again starting seeds for our spring gardening experiment. I am now referring to it as an experiment, because we really are never sure what is going to happen in our garden.
Victory Gardening
Victory gardening was the cool thing to do in the 1940s. And now it is back! Is this the perfect way to add some science and life skills to your homeschooling?
Free Women’s History Month Lesson
This is the month where we honor women who did make history. Most of them had to work against the ideas of what made a “good woman” in their time.
Learning To Write with ADHD
Writing well is a challenge for students with ADHD. There are a few strategies you can use to help build your child’s confidence and skill.
Can You Homeschool Pathological Demand Avoidant Kids?
Pathological Demand Avoidance, co-occurs with ADHD or autism, and means that your child doesn’t want to do things just because they were told to do them.
ADHD + Coffee = Magic
Using coffee instead of medication helps some people with ADHD focus and get more done! Why does this work and should you try it? Learn more!
Weird Rules for my Smart Child
I have a child who is incredibly smart, but also, can’t read a room. So, I taught her a few rules, that she has lived by from preschool to college.
Making your own Schedule and Goals
One of the hardest parts of being a homeschool parent is that you have to set your own schedule. If you don’t make the plans, they don’t happen.
Following Up on Our Kanban Chore Chart
My family has been using our Kanban chore chart for a few weeks now. I thought it was time to give you all an update on how that is going.
Tips for Homeschooling when you have ADHD
I often talk about homeschooling when the kids have ADHD. But what if you have it? I have some tips.
Organizing Your Kids: Charts that Work
Every year, I start off the year with the goal to be more organized. Now that my kids are older, I want to find methods that also work for them. Learning how to organize themselves and keep up with their work will help them be successful in real life far more than...
Black History Month: Free Lesson
I have a gift for you! In honor of Black History Month, I have put together a lesson plan to teach your child about Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad.
How to be the Worst Autism Parent
Generally, I love working with autistic children as part of my OT practice. But today, I’m going to tell you about the worst experience I ever had as an OT.
The Fallacy of Subjects
The way we separate topics for teaching to children is just plain dumb. The human brain learns best through play, engagement, and connections.
Adding a Baby To Your Homeschool Family
Yes, you can homeschool your older kids with a baby. But it takes some planning. Here are my tips for how to incorporate your baby into your homeschool life.