Teaching Your Child How To Ride A Bike
Do you have a child who is struggling with learning to ride a bicycle? Do they want to do it but just don’t seem to have the skills to do […]
Childhood Passions are Overrated
I don’t want my child to find a single driving passion in their young lives. I want them to find a passion for life.
Homeschooling The Challenging Child
Are you homeschooling a child who would just rather not? Do you worry because they seem behind? I’ve homeschooled that child, let me give you some advice.
Teaching My Dyslexic Kid to Read
Teaching a dyslexic child to read can be one of the most challenging and rewarding parts of homeschooling.
Do you know a child who was obsessed with letters as a toddler and learned to read well before age 5?
Kids and Consequences
Giving your kids consequences for their behavior can be one of the more challenging aspects of parenting. This is extra true if your child is neurodiverse.
My Job
For many years now, I’ve been mostly a stay-at-home mom, who also homeschools her kids. That sounds so easy compared to what I do. Here’s my job description.
Should your Child take ADHD Medication?
There are lots of things to think about when you are considering mediation to address ADHD for your child. There is no one-size-fits-all answer.
The Benefits of Boredom
One thing that happens to new homeschoolers and rarely to experienced ones, is boredom. Your kids complain they are bored, and look to you to fix this “problem.” Don’t worry, […]
Assume Competence!
I saw this phrase recently referring to non-verbal, minimally verbal, and disabled children, and I loved it. Assume competence. What does that mean?