Problems with executive function can occur in people with ADHD, autism, and other learning challenges and be very frustrating for parents to understand.
Occupational Therapy Insight
Can You Homeschool Pathological Demand Avoidant Kids?
Pathological Demand Avoidance, co-occurs with ADHD or autism, and means that your child doesn’t want to do things just because they were told to do them.
How to be the Worst Autism Parent
Generally, I love working with autistic children as part of my OT practice. But today, I’m going to tell you about the worst experience I ever had as an OT.
Understanding the New CDC Developmental Milestones Checklist
The CDC and American Academy of Pediatrics announced a new set of developmental milestones, the first in 30 years. What do these changes mean for you and your child.
Can a Diet Cure Autism or ADHD?
There is no diet that will cure ADHD or autism. However, I do think there is a reason these diets get so much attention, and some of them make some good points.
Teaching Your Child How To Ride A Bike
Do you have a child who is struggling with learning to ride a bicycle? Do they want to do it but just don’t seem to have the skills to do it? I’ve got you.
Should your Child take ADHD Medication?
There are lots of things to think about when you are considering mediation to address ADHD for your child. There is no one-size-fits-all answer.
Assume Competence!
I saw this phrase recently referring to non-verbal, minimally verbal, and disabled children, and I loved it. Assume competence. What does that mean?
Skipping and Other Skills Your Child Needs
There are some physical skills that can help both brain and body devleopment. Let our OT help you teach your child skipping and more!
Picky Eaters: Older Kids and Teens Ideas
Most parents complain that their teens are eating them “out of house and home”. But what if your child is a reluctant eater?
Multi-Generational ADHD
Do you have a child with ADHD? If so, there is a very strong chance that one of their parents has it too. And at least one of their grandparents also has ADHD.
Neurodivergent Brain Development
Did you know that the neurodiverse brain has a different developmental pattern than a neurotypical brain? And that impacts how and when they are ready to learn.
ADHD, The Dopamine Seeker
Lack of dopamine can lead to depression, anxiety, difficulty completing tasks, and a lot of struggle. So, how do we help your ADHD child get more dopamine?
What is ARFID?
ARFID is an eating disorder that is prevalent in those with ADHD and autism. It can occur in children as young as 2 and can be very serious.
Ten reasons why you should take your kids kayaking this summer!
If you have never kayaked before, I highly recommend it. It is easy, fun, and has some amazing hidden benefits.
Why we should be teaching dance!
Without a doubt, children benefit from exposure to the “arts.” In schools, this is often limited to music or painting. But dancing is great for kids, too.
Just Say No to Online Kindergarten and Preschool
Online programs can’t provide what younger kids really need for their brains and bodies to gain the skills they need to develop at that age.
Motivation and Your Neurospicy Teen
True motivation comes from inside a person. It involves feeling in charge of yourself and your decisions. For a teen with neurodiversity, this can be hard.