Using coffee instead of medication helps some people with ADHD focus and get more done! Why does this work and should you try it? Learn more!
Homeschool Tips
Making your own Schedule and Goals
One of the hardest parts of being a homeschool parent is that you have to set your own schedule. If you don’t make the plans, they don’t happen.
Following Up on Our Kanban Chore Chart
My family has been using our Kanban chore chart for a few weeks now. I thought it was time to give you all an update on how that is going.
Tips for Homeschooling when you have ADHD
I often talk about homeschooling when the kids have ADHD. But what if you have it? I have some tips.
Black History Month: Free Lesson
I have a gift for you! In honor of Black History Month, I have put together a lesson plan to teach your child about Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad.
The Fallacy of Subjects
The way we separate topics for teaching to children is just plain dumb. The human brain learns best through play, engagement, and connections.
Adding a Baby To Your Homeschool Family
Yes, you can homeschool your older kids with a baby. But it takes some planning. Here are my tips for how to incorporate your baby into your homeschool life.
What is a High School Credit in Homeschooling?
What must you and your student do to count something as a high school credit? Let’s take a look at the most common answers.
Childhood Passions are Overrated
I don’t want my child to find a single driving passion in their young lives. I want them to find a passion for life.
Homeschooling The Challenging Child
Are you homeschooling a child who would just rather not? Do you worry because they seem behind? I’ve homeschooled that child, let me give you some advice.
Teaching My Dyslexic Kid to Read
Teaching a dyslexic child to read can be one of the most challenging and rewarding parts of homeschooling.
Do you know a child who was obsessed with letters as a toddler and learned to read well before age 5?
The Benefits of Boredom
One thing that happens to new homeschoolers and rarely to experienced ones, is boredom. Your kids complain they are bored, and look to you to fix this “problem.” Don’t worry, this is a stage and it won’t last too long. Why is this a temporary problem? School Days...
How to Spot and Befriend a Homeschool Mom
It’s homeschool park day, and we all know what that means! We’ll be dragging our children to the playground in hopes of adult conversation.
Homeschooling with Joy: Part 2
Last week I talked about homeschooling with joy. This week, we are going to talk math, reading, and writing. How do we make those fun?
Homeschooling with Joy
As we all start our homeschooling year, I think it is important to remind everyone that you should keep joy front and center in your homeschool.
Sometimes You Can’t Move Forward, That’s Okay
Sometimes, life throws us a curve ball and we can’t do what we know we should. Sometimes, all we can do is keep trying. And that is okay.
The Homeschooler at the County Fair
Competing in the country fair became a wonderful addition to our homeschool art program, and helped my kids learn to win and lose. I entered too so I could display the traits I was trying to teach.