When my daughter was in fourth grade, I realized that she has dyscalculia. To help her overcome her struggle, I had to learn a new way to teach math, one day at a time.
Laura Sowdon
I am a huge fan of dolls as part of imaginative play. I have some tips and things to look for when picking a doll for a child in your life.
Class pets are a right of passage and can be a lot of fun. But not all classroom pets are created equal.
Toys are great. But sometimes you want to actually DO something instead of pretend to do something. That’s where kid-sized tools come in.
Autism is complicated and different people experience it very differently. But there are a few things that seem to help when homeschooling someone with Autism.
Card games help kids develop hand-eye coordination and problem-solving. These are some games my family has enjoyed recently.
Sarah Josepha Hale was a writer, editor, and mother. And she is the person most responsible for making Thanksgiving a national holiday.
As an OT, I love the new interest in fidget toys. Not all fidget toys work for everyone and some work better than others. Here are some of my favorites.
Why I think you should limit your kids screen time. And why you don’t need to stress about it.
Homeschoolers have the luxury of learning to read at their own pace, in their own time, and in their own way. But most children follow one of 3 patterns.