Do you have a child who is struggling to learn the difference between “b” and “d”? Today, I have a cheap and easy way to make your homeschool more multi-sensory!
Month: February 2024
Time-Out is for Toys
Time-outs never seemed to deliver the promised good behavior and self control. I found a new way to use time-outs that works.
Executive Function Tip: Rewards
Rewarding children for good behavior is a long-standing tradition. But how to implement it in a way that works in your home school?
5 Fun Ways To Improve Handwriting Without Writing Letters
Learning to write is hard. Writing is a complex task. It requires muscle strength in the arm, wrist, and hand; visual perceptual skills; fine motor control; and hand-eye coordination. In order for a child to learn to write it is important to address all those skills....
Give them Scissors!
Scissors teach wonderful skills, build the brain and body connection, and prepare kids for real-life problems.
Valentine’s Day OT Fun
Valentine’s Day is a great chance to change up our routine and get some great fine motor activities into our day. Here are some of my favorite activities.
Why I won’t push my ADHD college kid to also get a job.
While I know it is common for college students to have jobs, I won’t be asking that of any of my kids. I think college is enough of a job for most kids.
Learning to Write, Beyond Copy Work
How do you work on teaching writing beyond copy work? These ideas can get your student writing more, in a gentle way.
Mom Help: Keeping them Busy!
Sometimes as a mom, you need to do things like cook or clean. What can you do with your little one? Leet me give you some ideas.